Flock’s bold, monochrome headings and tastefully muted pastel accents combine in a direct yet causal tone to meet somewhere between the boardroom and the lunch room.
Blending photography and carefully curated figurine graphics, Flock lends your brand a touch of whimsy suitable for all businesses, from SaaS startups to agencies and insurance firms. Get everything you need for your site in a neat package, including CMS-powered blog, Customer stories and Careers.
Notable Features
- 9x UI Snippets to demonstrate key app interactions styled in sync with your site.
- 3 defined CMS collections; Customer Stories, Careers and Blog.
- Symbols used for common elements such as Navs and Footers.
- Forms for user enquiries and requesting a product demonstration.
- Structured UI Kit makes composing new sections straight-forward
Flock is a perfect fit for your next…
- Software, SaaS or app
- Lifestyle advisory
- Co-working space
- Creative agency
- Consultancy
- Insurance company
- Community initiative
Everything your startup could need in a full-featured Webflow UI Kit Template
21 Unique Page Layouts
- 3x Product Tours (landing pages)
- Product Details
- Use Case
- Pricing
- Request a demo layout (Form)
- Customer Stories
- Customer Stories listing (CMS)
- Customer Story single (CMS)
- Company
- About
- Blog
- Blog main listing (CMS)
- Blog category listing (CMS)
- Blog article
- Careers
- Careers Page with jobs listing (CMS)
- Job opening details with application form (CMS)
- Contact page with form
- General terms & conditions page
- Account
- 3x Create Account layouts
- Sign in
- Forgot password
- Figma design file provided upon request with proof of purchase here: https://mmra.re/requestfigmafile.
- Photography was sourced from Pexels and falls under the Pexels License.
- Figurine graphics sourced from Icons8 and all are free to use.
- Iconography is sourced from Icons8 and all are free to use.
- Bespoke Serif font available on Fontshare, provided under the Fonshare License.
- Estedad font, provided under the OFL license.