Spark helps you build slick, commercial sites with speed and ease in Webflow. Choose from over 100 ready-made sections to bring your big ideas to life, or simply add your own content to one of Spark’s nine unique landing pages. Spark offers multiple navigation bar and footer options to give your designs flexibility, and comes complete with all the common inner pages you need to get your site off the ground.
Over 100 blocks to choose from
We’ve created a plethora of ready-made sections just waiting for your content. With sections covering 15 categories, Spark makes it a breeze to piece together friendly and engaging landing pages to suit your company’s ever-evolving needs - now and into the future.
A flexible, thoughtful UI Kit
A lot of thought has gone into Spark’s modular structure to allow you greater freedom of design. With each piece of the design housed in re-usable containers, you can feel free to take smaller elements and combine them in any way you see fit, without needing to make adjustments to CSS.
Template features
- CMS powered Blog
- CMS powered Careers
- CMS powered Case Studies
- CMS powered Team
- CMS powered Help Center
- Style guide page for easy copy/paste of elements
- Styled forms for newsletter subscriptions and contact information
- Responsive layouts, tailored for all devices
- Global swatches for easy color scheme management
- Symbols for commonly used elements and sections
- Google Fonts integration
- 404 and Password Utility pages
Pages overview
- 80 x Pre-built content blocks across 16 categories
- 3 x Navigation menu options
- 4 x Footer options
- 5 x Unique landing pages
- 2 x Blog listing layouts + article and category (CMS)
- Case studies listing + single case study (CMS)
- Help center category and article pages (CMS)
- Careers layouts + job listing (CMS)
- 4 x Pricing styles
- 2 x Contact layouts
- About company layout
- 4 x sign up/login pages/forgot password
- 3 x Coming soon layouts
- Multi-use legal page for terms of service or privacy policy
- Error page