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Structured looks with an institutional feel

Designed for organisations in the finance, consulting, science, and technology sectors, Stem is a Webflow template with an institutional feel, reminiscent of a modern university magazine or a scientific publication.  Stem’s no-nonsense air of authority suits both startup companies and established firms in any field aiming to project credibility and expertise.

Stem is tuned to prioritise clarity and aesthetics with an emphasis on highly readable sans-serif text complemented by bold, colourful photography that invites curiosity and provides contrast.  The design is characterized by thin, precise borders that add a structured, elegant framework to the content. The colour palette is a sophisticated mix of light beige tones and dark eucalyptus green evoking the reliability of a manila folder and the professionalism of a time-honoured finance outfit.

Equipped with Webflow’s CMS features, Stem is ready to advertise your job openings and careers pages, while a full suite of blog layouts for articles, authors, and categories, provide space for thought leadership in professional settings.  In addition, Stem's e-commerce functionality is tailored for subscriptions, offering a streamlined solution for businesses looking to offer services or memberships directly through their Webflow website.

Included pages

  • Landing Pages: Three distinct home page styles offer plenty of layout versatility.
  • Pricing Pages: Three options to display different subscription plans or services clearly.
  • Essential Business Pages: Request Demo, Our Process, and About Us.
  • Blog Suite: Multiple blog layouts, detailed article, author bios, and categories.
  • Career and Commerce: Dedicated Careers page, individual Job Listings, e-commerce product pages, and categories.
  • User Interaction: Login, Sign Up, User Account, and password management.
  • Support Pages: Contact, Legal, Error (404), Access Denied, and Search Results.